Call 408-241-3031

Our Services

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Explore our service areas and product line.

Tax Preparation Services

Individual Tax (Impuestos Individuales)
Tax returns and filing instructions have been prepared for 1000's of individual clients each year.
Business Tax Returns (Negocios)
A variety of small business tax returns are prepared each year.
Tax Planning (Planificacion de Impuestos)
Long term, annual and mid-year tax planning and tax forecasting services.

Accounting Services

Financial Statements (Estados Financiaros)
Monthly, quarterly and year-end Balance sheet and Operating Statements are prepared accurately and timely for a broad range of small business clients.
Bookkeeping (Contabilidad)
Complete bookkeeping services for small businesses.
Payroll Services (Servicio de Nomina)
Total payroll services for small business clients.